[Harriet Tubman] spoke passionately about her parents, her friends, shared stories about her childhood - learning about all these elements and aspects of her was mind-blowing and educational for me as a woman because I have to sometimes remind people that have known me for years, even in past relationships, that I'm still a woman, I still have vulnerabilities even though my aesthetic feels strong, powerful and full of all of the wisdom in the world, I'm still growing and becoming.
Aisha Hinds[I want to be remembered] as a small piece of the puzzle sent here to serve a bigger picture.
Aisha HindsUnderstanding that what it is that you're doing isn't limited to the roles and the rejection, it's bigger than that, it's about your purpose in life.
Aisha HindsRosa Parks was primed, she had the Civil Rights Movement behind her, she didn't just decide to sit on the bus, it was strategic.
Aisha HindsThe real truth is that [Harriet Tubman ] spirit is so powerful that it consumes you. I was literally reduced to basic breath and blinks while she inhabited my vessel and told her story through me.
Aisha HindsStudy and know that we are always a student of the craft well after we've completed any course of study... and approach the work as a servant, not a star.
Aisha HindsIt was also incredibly serendipitous that I would later learn I shared a birthday with Whoop [Goldberg ]. I went on to be inspired by many other artists and forms of art, and was soon directed to a place that would help harness my experiences and develop my voice within the craft, LaGuardia High School of Performing Arts in New York City.
Aisha Hinds