The truth is that we're at a critical juncture in the history of our species and if we don't act soon, we could inhabit a world we don't recognize anymore. But the most important truth is that we are capable of stopping climate change before the worst of its consequences are locked in. The solutions exist - all we need is the will to do something about it.
Al GoreWhen you talk about President Trump, the cable networks turned over so many hours of prime time to him. Why? Because he was entertaining, but also because it drove ratings. And that is different from what the news media is supposed to focus on.
Al GoreConsider a clock thermostat, and set it so that you're not using energy when you don't need it, when you're out of your house.
Al GoreI'm naturally an optimist, but my basis for hope is rooted in my understanding of human nature.
Al GoreWhen it comes to climate, we can all make a big difference. At the most basic level, don't let denial go unchallenged and win the conversation on climate.
Al Gore