I'm still living the life where you get home and open the fridge and there's half a pot of yogurt and a half a can of flat Coca-Cola.
Alan RickmanI have just returned from the dubbing studio where I spoke into a microphone as Severus Snape for absolutely the last time.
Alan RickmanI'm a lot less serious than people think, it's probably because the way my face is put together.
Alan RickmanSnow Cake is a lovely film. Really proud of that. We shot it in 21 days. I thought Sigourney was amazing in it. And very, very accurate. I think there was some element that thought she had pushed it too far. But not at all when you do the amount of homework she had done and spent the amount of time she did with adult autistics. She was right on the money. And I think Marc Evans is a terrific director. He's a sweet, open, honest man and a really good director of actors.
Alan Rickman