If absolute truth belongs to anyone in this world, it certainly does not belong to the man or party that claims to possess it.
Albert CamusThey knew now that if there is one thing one can always yearn for, and sometimes attain, it is human love.
Albert CamusMy profession lent itself nicely to my vocation for heights. It freed me of any bitterness towards my fellow men, who were alwaysin my debt, without my owing them anything. It placed me above the judge whom, I in turn judged, above the defendant whom I forced into gratitude.
Albert CamusWhen I was young, I expected from people more than they could give: neverending friendship and constant excitement. Now I expect less than they can actually can give: to stay close silently. And their feelings, friendship, noble deeds always seem like a miracle to me: a true grace.
Albert Camus