Past is dead Future is uncertain; Present is all you have, So eat, drink and live merry.
Albert EinsteinNothing truly valuable can be achieved except by the unselfish cooperation of many individuals.
Albert EinsteinThere are yet people who say there is no God. But what really makes me angry is that they quote me for the support of such views
Albert EinsteinIt is our American habit if we find the foundations of our educational structure unsatisfactory to add another story or wing.
Albert EinsteinA priori one should expect a chaotic world which cannot be grasped by the mind in any way... The kind of order created by Newton's theory of wholly different. Even if the axioms of the theory are proposed by man, the success of such a project presupposes a high degree of ordering of the objective world.... That is the "miracle" which is being constantly reinforced as our knowledge expands.
Albert Einstein