An institution has to decide, and it's not just an option, it's a responsibility, how much diversity can be tolerated.
Albert MohlerThere is no Christian Gospel if history simply unwinds into a meaningless puddle, if the cosmos simply escapes into a cataclysmic black hole, or if the universe finally dies of exhausted energy. Without belief in a biblical eschatology, there is no Christian hope. Without a sense of perfect moral judgment in the end, the human heart is homeless.
Albert MohlerIn the end, an impatience with the Word of God can be explained only by an impatience with God. We all, both individually and congregationally, neglect God's Word to our own ruin.
Albert MohlerWhen a denomination begins to consider doctrine divisive, theology troublesome, and convictions inconvenient, consider that denomination on its way to a well-deserved death.
Albert Mohler