The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant, "What good is it?" If the land mechanism as a whole is good, then every part is good, whether we understand it or not. If the biota, in the course of aeons, has built something we like but do not understand, then who but a fool would discard seemingly useless parts? To keep every cog and wheel is the first precaution of intelligent tinkering.
Aldo LeopoldWe face the question whether a still higher "standard of living" is worth its cost in things natural, wild, and free.
Aldo LeopoldWilderness, then, assumes unexpected importance as a laboratory for the study of land - health.
Aldo LeopoldThe rich diversity of the world's cultures reflects a corresponding diversity in the wilds that gave them birth.
Aldo LeopoldEthical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching- even when doing the wrong thing is legal.
Aldo Leopold