[If you understood the natural rights of mankind,] [y]ou would be convinced that natural liberty is a gift of the beneficent Creator to the whole human race, and that civil liberty is founded in that, and cannot be wrested from any people without the most manifest violation of justice.
Alexander HamiltonIt is in vain to hope to guard against events too mighty for human foresight or precaution, and it would be idle to object to a government because it could not perform impossibilities.
Alexander HamiltonGreat Ambition, unchecked by principle, or the love of Glory, is an unruly Tyrant.
Alexander HamiltonWhoever attentively considers the different departments of power must perceive, that, in a government in which they are separated from each other, the judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution; because it will be least in a capacity to annoy or injure them.
Alexander HamiltonThe praise of a civilized world is justly due to Christianity;โwar, by the influence of the humane principles of that religion, has been stripped of half its horrors. The French renounce Christianity, and they relapse into barbarism;โwar resumes the same hideous and savage form which it wore in the ages of Gothic and Roman violence.
Alexander Hamilton