You can use the internet in a way that's actually really great. It doesn't have to be about how amazing you are, or "Come watch my show!," or "Look what I'm wearing today." It doesn't have to be narcissistic.
Alexander SkarsgardAll the characters I play are all inside of me in a way, and they're all different, the darkness, the lightness, whatever that is.
Alexander SkarsgardLife is crazy. You travel and you're busy and there's so much going on that it's important to have the moments where you can breathe and you can just be present with the person or the people that you're there with.
Alexander SkarsgardA lot of times we associate Greenpeace and climate change and shrinking polar caps with heavy-handed, weighty material. It's somber stuff. But with Funny Or Die we thought we could put an interesting take on it. Make it a little more palatable, especially for young people who tune into the website.
Alexander Skarsgard