We'll find out soon enough," Xavier growled. "You don't see too many V Star 250s around here" "How do you know the bike model?" I asked. "I'm a boy. We like engines
Alexandra AdornettoXavier: They, whoever they are, shouldn't have control over our lives. I'm not about to lose you. I've been through that before, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Alexandra AdornettoI kept interrupting the movie by asking a lot of questions that Xavier managed to answer with endless patience. "How old do you think Bell is supposed to be?" "I don't know, probably our age." "I think the beast is sweet, don't you?" "Do I have to answer that?" "Why does the crockery talk?" "Because they're really the prince's servants that the beggar woman put a spell on." Xavier frowned suddenly and looked mortified. "I can't believe I know that.
Alexandra Adornetto