What would you not have accomplished if you had been free?" "Possibly nothing at all; the overflow of my brain would probably, in a state of freedom, have evaporated in a thousand follies; misfortune is needed to bring to light the treasures of the human intellect. Compression is needed to explode gunpowder. Captivity has brought my mental faculties to a focus; and you are well aware that from the collision of clouds electricity is produced โ from electricity, lightning, from lightning, illumination.
Alexandre DumasI have been taken by Satan into the highest mountain in the earth, and when there he said he to me, โChild of earth, what wouldst thou have to make thee adore me?โ I replied, โListen, I wish to be Providence myself, for I feel that the most beautiful, noblest, most sublime thing in the world, is to recompense and punish.
Alexandre DumasEdmond Dantes: I don't believe in God. Abbe Faria: That doesn't matter, He believes in you.
Alexandre DumasI am strong against everything, except against the death of those I love. He who dies gains; he who sees others die loses.
Alexandre Dumas