The Internet is such a tough marketplace because everyone is a click away from going back to a cat photo, or going back to whatever else they were doing. You have to win them over, and do it quickly, and do it by making something people actually want.
Alexis OhanianIf you look now, more than ever new entrants, new upstarts, are able to grow so much faster than they could before.
Alexis OhanianThe goal shouldn't be to be the next Silicon Valley (there'll always only be one of those) - it's to be your own startup community.
Alexis OhanianHaving that kind of endorsement and having Paul Graham's readership coming to your site and contributing to it and building the foundation of the community was just a really invaluable way to start Reddit.
Alexis OhanianI think the one advantage to a failed - recovering, but a pretty broken - economy, and a lot of broken promises, is that we've pulled the veils from our eyes way earlier than most people do, and realize "Hey, you know what, maybe I should try do this thing that I really care about, and why not spend the time now during my best years to get into knitting, or coding, or swamp boat sailing." And there's this resource called the Internet that's going to provide you with a stage and a library for all of those things.
Alexis Ohanian