Every epoch has its character determined by the way its population reacts to the material events which they encounter.
Alfred North WhiteheadGod is in the world, or nowhere, creating continually in us and around us. Insofar as man partakes of this creative process does he partake of the divine, of God, and that participation is his immortality.
Alfred North WhiteheadEvery organism requires an environment of friends, partly to shield it from violent changes, and partly to supply it with its wants.
Alfred North WhiteheadThe Universe is vast. Nothing is more curious than the self-satisfied dogmatism with which mankind at each period of its history cherishes the delusion of the finality of existing modes of knowledge. Skeptics and believers are alike. At this moment scientists and skeptics are the leading dogmatists. Advance in detail is admitted; fundamental novelty is barred. This dogmatic common sense is the death of philosophic adventure.
Alfred North Whitehead