If ever I had any doubts about the fundamental realities of religion, they could always be dispelled by one memory- the light upon my father's face as he came back from early communion.
Alfred NoyesOutlawed, but not alone, for Love Is outlawed, too. You cannot banish us, proud world: We banish you.
Alfred NoyesBring the buds of the hazel-copse, Where two lovers kissed at noon; Bring the crushed red wild-thyme tops Where they murmured under the moon.
Alfred NoyesLuke associates John with Peter in Acts, when, after the Resurrection, that strange boldness had come upon the disciples.
Alfred NoyesThe story of scientific discovery has its own epic unity-a unity of purpose and endeavour-the single torch passing from hand to hand through the centuries; and the great moments of science when, after long labour, the pioneers saw their accumulated facts falling into a significant order-sometimes in the form of a law that revolutionised the whole world of thought-have an intense human interest, and belong essentially to the creative imagination of poetry.
Alfred Noyes