There might have been a hundred or a thousand life-bearing planets, had the course of evolution of the universe been a little different, or there might have been none at all. They would probably add, that, as life and man have been produced, that shows that their production was possible; and therefore, if not now then at some other time, if not here then in some other planet of some other sun, we should be sure to have come into existence; or if not precisely the same as we are, then something a little better or a little worse.
Alfred Russel WallaceIt has been generally the custom of writers on natural history to take the habits and instincts of animals as the fixed point, and to consider their structure and organization as specially adapted to be in accordance with them.
Alfred Russel WallaceIf this is not done, future ages will certainly look back upon us as a people so immersed in the pursuit of wealth as to be blind to higher considerations.
Alfred Russel WallaceTruth is born into this world only with pangs and tribulations, and every fresh truth is received unwillingly.
Alfred Russel WallaceWhat we need are not prohibitory marriage laws, but a reformed society, an educated public opinion which will teach individual duty in these matters
Alfred Russel WallaceCivilisation has ever accompanied emigration and conquest - the conflict of opinion, of religion, or of race
Alfred Russel WallaceThere might have been a hundred or a thousand life-bearing planets, had the course of evolution of the universe been a little different, or there might have been none at all. They would probably add, that, as life and man have been produced, that shows that their production was possible; and therefore, if not now then at some other time, if not here then in some other planet of some other sun, we should be sure to have come into existence; or if not precisely the same as we are, then something a little better or a little worse.
Alfred Russel Wallace