The scene fascinated me: a round straw hat; the funnel leaning left, the stairway leaning right; the white drawbridge, its railings made of chain; white suspenders crossed on the back of a man below; circular iron machinery; a mast that cut into the sky, completing a triangle.
Alfred StieglitzThere is nothing so wrong as accepting a thing merely because men who have done things say it should be so.
Alfred StieglitzPhotographers must learn not to be ashamed to have their photographs look like photographs.
Alfred StieglitzI detest tradition for tradition's sake; the half-alive; that which is not real. I feel no hatred of individuals, but of customs, traditions; superstitions that go against life, against truth, against the reality of experience, against the spontaneous living out of the sense of wonder-of fresh experience, freshly seen and communicated.
Alfred Stieglitz