In order to threaten Iran, you [America] say that you can secure the energy flow in the region. You are wrong. Beware that if you make the slightest mistake over Iran, the energy flow through this region will be seriously endangered. You will never be capable of providing energy security in this region. You are not capable and you should know this.
Ali KhameneiThe people who control America today make decisions like drunkards. They do not understand what they are doing at all.
Ali KhameneiToday, the Muslim world is injured and corrupt. People who are the enemies of all Muslims are trying to cause disunity in the Islamic world by intensifying ethnic difference and separating people under names such as 'Shia and Sunni', 'Arabs and non-Arabs'.
Ali KhameneiThe great Islamic nation cannot ... be indifferent and remain silent on the injustice done to you. The Islamic nation is required to assist you in any way it can.
Ali Khamenei