Muhammad divided the world in two sectors. One he called Dar us Salam (House of Peace) and the other, Dar al Harb (House of War). All countries, where Islam is not the ruling authority, are Dar al Harb. It is the duty of the Muslims to wage Jihad in Dar al Harb, overthrow the governments and force people into submission. This is the only kind of peace that Islam recognizes.
Ali SinaThe entire Quran is a big joke. If it was not so violent, it would be the biggest comic book ever written.
Ali SinaIslam takes advantage of two structural flaws that exist in the Western society. One is political correctness and other is the decline of morality.
Ali SinaIf you are strong you can take a punch and not flinch, but if you have a sore spot, a nudge on that sore spot will make you scream. Muslims committed the huge blunder of revealing their vulnerability. Now the world knows what hurts them. When you find your opponent's weak spot, it is exactly where you want to hit him.
Ali SinaIt is propaganda that people, who had lived a full life of heterosexuality, were married and had children, were denying their real sexuality all that time. There is historic evidence that entire populations can convert to homosexuality under certain conditions.
Ali SinaA bear and a deer are both wild animals. We allow the deer to roam in our backyard but we do not give the same right to the bear. It is because the bear is dangerous. Neither the bear nor the deer have rights. We humans give them rights. Taking in account our own security, we give to some animals some rights and deny the same to other animals.
Ali Sina