There is no question, therefore, that the work to be done in familiarising the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic Fraternity ... When the Great One comes with His disciples and initiates we shall have ... the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation as a consequence of the first initiation.
Alice BaileyI suggest that just as self-consciousness is the goal for all the subhuman forms of life, and as group consciousness, or the consciousness of the Heavenly Man, is the goal for the human being, so for him, also, there may be a goal, and for him the achievement may be the development of God consciousness.
Alice BaileyPeople have sought to adjust the truth to the hour instead of adjusting the hour to the truth, and in diplomacy they have endeavoured to bring about as much of the reality as they deem wise.
Alice BaileyForgetting the things that lie behind, I will strive towards my higher spiritual possibilities. I dedicate myself anew to the service of the Coming One and will do all I can to prepare men's minds and hearts for that event. I have no other life intention.
Alice BaileyWenn jemand sich in Inkarnation befindet, bietet ihm dieser Kรถrper das Problem, das er erlernen muss oder (wenn die Evolution fortgeschritten ist) bietet den Trรคger, der sich fรผr die Art der jeweiligen Aufgabe am besten eignet. Ein orientalischer Kรถrpertyp hat eine gewisse Anzahl von Fรคhigkeiten, und ein abendlรคndischer Kรถrpertyp weist andere und, wenn ich so sagen darf, ebenso gute Eignungen auf.
Alice Bailey