Some people act as if there were a penalty for carrying concealed troubles. They exhibit them at every opportunity, begging for sympathy, even condescending to accept pity. Such persons never realize that the very ones to whom they are complaining are often struggling under a burden greater than their own.
Alice Hegan RiceCheerfulness is a debt we owe to society, in the paying of which we receive a generous discount. We can not open our hearts to give out cheer without more cheer rushing in to take its place.
Alice Hegan Riceeven though disease and sorrow are all about us, health and happiness are the normal state of man.
Alice Hegan RiceThere is an invariable law that the only way to keep the real things of life is by sharing them or giving them away.
Alice Hegan RiceMrs. Wiggs was a philosopher, and the sum and substance of her philosophy lay in keeping the dust off her rose-colored spectacles.
Alice Hegan Rice