It's better to have your blackness taken away than to stand there and lie about who you actually are. That's the trap.
Alice WalkerWell, capitalism is a big problem, because with capitalism you're just going to keep buying and selling things until there's nothing else to buy and sell, which means gobbling up the planet.
Alice Walkerit is this broken road with pitfalls and sharp turns and unexpected traverses that has brought me joy and adventure.
Alice WalkerHoward Zinn was magical as a teacher. Witty, irreverent, and wise, he loved what he was teaching and clearly wanted his students to love it, also.
Alice WalkerHow simple a thing it seems to me that to know ourselves as we are, we must know our mothers names.
Alice WalkerBe nobody's darling; Be an outcast. Take the contradictions Of your life And wrap around You like a shawl, To parry stones To keep you warm. Watch the people succumb To madness With ample cheer; Let them look askance at you And you askance reply. Be an outcast; Be pleased to walk alone (Uncool) Or line the crowded River beds With other impetuous Fools. Make a merry gathering On the bank Where thousands perished For brave hurt words They said. Be nobody's darling; Be an outcast. Qualified to live Among your dead.
Alice Walker