The dinner table is a rite of civilization and we need to participate in that to keep our families together, to keep our communities together.
Alice WatersIt is a fundamental fact that no cook, however creative and capable, can produce a dish of a quality any higher than that of its raw ingredients.
Alice WatersI think the biggest impediment to fixing the food system in the United States is that we expect food to be cheap. We want to by other things with our money. We're so disconnected from agriculture - from the culture in agriculture.
Alice WatersIt's a pleasure to talk to the farmers. That's my favorite part, always was. It's really the communication and exchange that builds communities. It's not something you can legislate. It's that you're giving me the best bread I ever had and I'm so happy to give you money for it. I can't think of anything I'd rather do than stand in line and give money for your bread.
Alice Waters