From a political perspective, it is important to uphold certain universal principles so that, for example, you can condemn both Islamist forms of violence and injustice as well as forms of violence and injustice from other groups - some superpowers, for example, or the English Defence League, as other examples.
Alison AssiterFrom a political perspective, it is important to uphold certain universal principles so that, for example, you can condemn both Islamist forms of violence and injustice as well as forms of violence and injustice from other groups - some superpowers, for example, or the English Defence League, as other examples.
Alison AssiterThe subject of feminism cannot be purely a fiction, as some postmodern writers suggest, produced by the discourses of power.
Alison AssiterI think that both pornography and the imposition (common in some areas of the world) of a dress code on women are problematic.
Alison AssiterIf there are more than two sexes, then so be it and, of course, the assumption that there are two helps shape, as many have argued, the binary logic that underpins much of the history of western philosophy.
Alison Assiter