Was Daedalus really stricken with grief when Icarus fell into the sea? Or just disappointed by the design failure
Alison BechdelWell, I'm always working on my comic strip and trying to, you know, keep cranking that out.
Alison BechdelThe writing is hard, and the drawing is fun. It's very satisfying to see a drawing start to come together.
Alison BechdelI just have this sort of entrepreneurial spirit and I work really hard at promoting myself.
Alison BechdelSelf-published media are really critical. It's so heartwarming that people are still doing it in this digital age. It's just really moving and exciting. You can't really replace a beautiful little mini-comic. It doesn't translate to the computer, you know? Handmade stuff has really given me hope for humanity.
Alison Bechdel