Some things feel really good to sing: there's a physical aspect, but there's more to it - a deeper place you go to.
Alison KraussLyrics are kind of the whole thing; it's the message. Something might have a beautiful melody but if it's not the truth coming out of your mouth, it's not appealing
Alison KraussWhen it's open and honest, that's when the real nature of who you are as a vocalist or as a performer, all of that stuff can finally start to become what it's supposed to be. Like a settling into yourself. It's not even a musical thing, it's a whole mindset, a whole acceptance of who you were supposed to be. Life sounds good
Alison KraussThe grand old lady of bluegrass? Well, wouldn't that be a wonderful title to have? I hope I do enough to earn it some day
Alison Krauss