What is the matter with these people, these people who won't stop fighting, won't stop hurting each other...?
Alison McGheeOur rule was that we [with Kate DiCamillo] would write everything together, literally every word.
Alison McGheeIt's very cool to be short, very cool. When I was in eighth grade, and the height I am now, I would just look at the cute little short girls and think, 'If only, if only.
Alison McGheeI suppose, the natural outgrowth about writing about two friends, it becomes about their friendship, and the complexities of it, and the way personality plays off each other, and what they each like to do, separately and together.
Alison McGheeSo we [with Kate DiCamillo] decided to give the friends an object and see what they did with it. The object was a sock and it went from there. Once we got going, once we got on a roll, it became very easy to work together and to figure out how to do it. We would meet for two-hour segments, usually from 10-12, two or three times a week. We met all one summer, and I think into the fall.
Alison McGhee