I think you’re freaked about what happened at Cambridge. I think it scared you." “I’ve been through worse, Bex,” I said, joining her on the lower stairs. “Way worse.” “Oh, not the attack.” Bex raised her finger in contradiction. “What happened before the attack. I think you saw the future. Which is kind of freaky when - two months ago - you didn’t think you were going to have one.
Ally CarterOf course. Because at the Gallagher Academy, "precautions" usually equals "voluntary shock therapy.
Ally CarterI suppose you should her it from me that I met your mother" he smiled a litte sadly. "well. . . When I say met I mean one time I tried to kill her." "Do me a favor" Zach's voice was low and dark and dangerous. "Next time don't just try
Ally CarterI sprung you because I've got a message for you" "doesn't your family own a cell phone company?" "only a little one
Ally CarterIn a place where everyone knew my story, it was nice to know there was a chapter that ONLY I HAD TO READ. :)
Ally Carter