There is so much more to this world then outward appearances. Our society basks in the illusion of normalcy every day, and hides from the truth every night.
Amber BensonMindi Scott has a real talent for getting inside her protagonist's head. She sketches out Coley's story in grand swathes, and then paints in all the little details, so that you feel as though you are enmeshed in Coley's brain: thinking her thoughts, feeling her confusion, anger, and, in the end, pain. I just don't think it's possible to read this book and not identify with Coley in some way.
Amber BensonYeah, I'm a geek. I read sci-fi and I watch sci-fi films. I love my computer and I love to fix it. I'm a total nerd. I literally am a 12-year-old geeky boy trapped in a 32-year-old woman's body.
Amber BensonI always said that, when I grow up, I want to be like Joss Whedon: I want to have my own world.
Amber Benson