Feminism? The word itself means exactly the same thing to me as the word God does - it's a spirituality that is deeply personal, deeply subjective, and deeply no one else's business. You can identify the word however you want, it's just the non-exploration of it that is unacceptable to me.
Amber TamblynPart of our business is that you read interviews with these people and they don't really talk candidly about what's going on and the struggle - the struggle to do what you love and to maintain body image and to maintain this sort of false stature of who you're supposed to be as a role model and also who you are supposed to be to yourself personally and privately.
Amber TamblynI could never say that one religion is wrong. I could never say that this person's God is wrong, I could never say that someone is wrong because they don't believe in God
Amber Tamblyn