Although unions may be good for a worker, singular, they are not always good for workers, plural. Especially when it comes to finding a job.
Amity ShlaesToday we care about budgets more than anything. Our American future hangs on the ability of government to cut budget.
Amity ShlaesRight now we're concerned about budget. Right now we're concerned about the prospect of interest rate rise. We're concerned about government corruption, government handing out deals to specific groups. Coolidge fixed a problem like that. He came into a rough time and he, and Harding before him, fixed that by budgeting.
Amity ShlaesWith demands for special education or standardized test prep being shouted in their ears, public schools can't always hear a parent when he says: 'I want my child to be able to write contracts in Spanish,' or, 'I want my child to shake hands firmly,' or, 'I want my child to study statistics and accounting, not calculus.
Amity Shlaes