O Thou who art my quietness, my deep repose, My rest from strife of tongues, my holy hill, Fair is Thy pavilion, where I hold me still. Back let them fall from me, my clamorous foes, Confusions multiplied; From crowding things of sense I flee, and Thee I hide. Until this tyranny be overpast, Thy hand will hold me fast; What though the tumult of the storm increase, Grant to Thy servant strength, O Lord, and bless with peace.
Amy CarmichaelThe word comfort is from two Latin words meaning โwithโ and โstrongโ โ He is with us to make us strong. Comfort is not soft, weakening commiseration; it is true, strengthening love.
Amy CarmichaelOur enemy is more aware than we are of the spiritual possibilities that depend upon obedience.
Amy CarmichaelWe say, then, to anyone who is under trial, give Him time to steep the soul in His eternal truth. Go into the open air, look up into the depths of the sky, or out upon the wideness of the sea, or on the strength of the hills that is His also; or, if bound in the body, go forth in the spirit; spirit is not bound. Give Him time and, as surely as dawn follows night, there will break upon the heart a sense of certainty that cannot be shaken.
Amy Carmichael