If I myself dominate myself, if my thoughts revolve round myself, if I am so occupied with myself I rarely have "a heart at leisure from itself," then I know nothing of Calvary love.
Amy CarmichaelIf I fear to hold another to the highest goal because it is so much easier to avoid doing so, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
Amy CarmichaelThe saddest thing one meets is a nominal Christian. I had not seen it in Japan where missions is younger. The church here is a โfield full of wheat and tares.
Amy CarmichaelTo me there is no more tragic sight than the average missionary. โฆWe have given so much, yet not the one thing that counts; we aspire so high, and fall so low; we suffer so much, but so seldom with Christ; we have done so much and so little will remain; we have known Christ in part, and have so effectively barricaded our hearts against His mighty love, which surely He must yearn to give His disciples above all people.
Amy Carmichael