An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't.
Anatole FranceTo accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
Anatole FranceThe truth is that life is delicious, horrible, charming, frightful, sweet, bitter, and that is everything.
Anatole FranceAn education which does not cultivate the will is an education that depraves the mind.
Anatole FranceAn old philosopher said to Monsieur Coignard, a Reverend Father: 'You are a pig!' To which Abad Coignard answered: 'You flatter me, sir. But unfortunately, I'm only a man.'
Anatole FranceWe live between two dense clouds; the forgetting of what was and the uncertainty of what will be.
Anatole FranceThe Arab who built himself a hut with marbles from the temple of Palmyra is more philosophical than all the curators of the museums of London, Paris, and Munich.
Anatole FranceWandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe.
Anatole FranceThe finest words in the world are only vain sounds if you can't understand them. The best sentence? The shortest.
Anatole FranceIrony and pity are two good counselors: one, in smiling, makes life pleasurable; the other, who cries, makes it sacred.
Anatole FranceUniversal peace will be realized, not because man will become better, but because a new order of things, a new science, new economic necessities, will impose peace.
Anatole FranceThe power of love itself weakens and gradually becomes lost with age, like all the other energies of man.
Anatole FranceStupidity is far more dangerous than evil, for evil takes a break from time to time, stupidity does not.
Anatole FranceThere is only one science, love, one riches, love, only one policy, love. To make love is all the law and the prophets.
Anatole FranceIt is only the poor who pay cash, and that not from virtue, but because they are refused credit.
Anatole FranceYou become a good writer just as you become a good joiner: by planing down your sentences.
Anatole FranceWe reproach people for talking about themselves but it is the subject they treat best.
Anatole FranceWhat men call civilization is the condition of present customs; what they call barbarism, the condition of past ones.
Anatole FranceI am a physician. I keep a drug-shop of lies. I give relief, consolation. Can one console and relieve without lying? ... Only women and doctors know how necessary and how helpful lies are to men.
Anatole FranceWe thank God for having created this world, and praise Him for having made another, quite different one, where the wrongs of this one are corrected.
Anatole FranceGod, conquered, will become Satan; Satan, conquering, will become God. May the fates spare me this terrible lot; I love the Hell which formed my genius. I love the Earth where I have done some good, if it be possible to do any good in this fearful world where beings live but by rapine.
Anatole FranceWhat we call strategy is mainly just crossing rivers on bridges and passing mountains though cols.
Anatole FranceWe find it hard to picture to ourselves the state of mind of a man of older days who firmly believed that the Earth was the centre of the Universe, and that all the heavenly bodies revolved around it. He could feel beneath his feet the writhings of the damned amid the flames; very likely he had seen with his own eyes and smelt with his own nostrils the sulphurous fumes of Hell escaping from some fissure in the rocks. Looking upwards, he beheld ... the incorruptible firmament, wherein the stars hung like so many lamps.
Anatole France