When you deal with somebody in the heat of battle, you see the best or the worst of them. So when you get through all that there is a great deal of respect.
Andre AgassiIn tennis you're on an island. Of all the games men and women play, tennis is the closest to solitary confinement.
Andre AgassiFreed from the thoughts of winning, I instantly play better. I stop thinking, start feeling. My shots become a half-second quicker, my decisions become the product of instinct rather than logic.
Andre AgassiIt never seizes to amaze me how much I enjoy playing here and how much you fans have meant to me over the years.
Andre AgassiOur vision is to create an exceptional lifestyle offering worthy of Tamarack's incredible surroundings. All of our partners involved in this development are committed to delivering the highest level of quality and luxury possible. We are excited to have Fairmont join us in this endeavor.
Andre Agassi