Indonesia has already been governed for too long by sclerotic uncles who have sold their nation off to foreign companies and governments. These people have no morals and no compassion. If you negotiate with them, they will only do what they have been doing for decades: they will cheat and lie, trying to buy time. They don't give a damn about Indonesia and its people! They want those Porsches and diplomas for their kids, and luxury condominiums in Australia, the United States, Singapore and Hong Kong.
Andre VltchekWe have to remember that the quality of medical care in Indonesia is on par with Kenya or Tanzania, not with Malaysia or Thailand, and that the system is totally corrupt, financially and morally, and would never allow anything 'public', or 'free'.
Andre VltchekIf people in Indonesia look 'different', they are afraid. Racist insults fly if someone does not look like part of the majority. Indonesia is one of the most racist countries on earth, and it has proven it during several of the genocides that have taken place here. But there is no perception, no clue, and no understanding of what racism actually is. And there is zero self-criticism.
Andre VltchekAs for free education, universal medical care and other basic rights: Yes, people have to fight! Of course they have to. Free and good education is their right, no matter what advisors and 'experts' coming from the United States say.
Andre VltchekCulture has to be constantly on the vanguard, too. It should be educating people, as it does in Latin America: thousands of great theatres, art cinemas, millions of free books distributed by the governments, public poetry readings, free public lectures, and all sorts of bookstores are open until early mornings, exhibitions reacting to the needs and sorrows of society, concerts of engaged music.
Andre Vltchek