Children in Indonesia are scared because they are like the property of their parents and mostly treated as such. Women are scared because they are humiliated on a daily basis and treated like meat, like sexual objects, like slaves.
Andre VltchekIn Indonesia, there are many parties, but they are all pro-business and for the elites, and all their candidates, including Jokowi, are pre-selected, and pre-approved, by the regime. So no matter how people vote here, it changes nothing.
Andre VltchekChinese people are indignant. Indignant! For decades, despite everything, they tried to make peace with the West. They are in fact the most peaceful big nation on Earth and what do they get in return? They get insults, provocations and intimidation.
Andre VltchekThe outraged citizens of Indonesia - lawyers, doctors, engineers, scientists - should be speaking up; they should be shouting. And of course, the voices of farmers and workers, their terrible stories, should be read and heard from the pages of independent magazines and blogs, from YouTube and independent films.
Andre VltchekDecent education in INdonesia is strictly for the elites, and those who are educated are using their knowledge to extract even more from the country, and not to improve it as a whole.
Andre VltchekOverwhelming the majority of European citizens are unhappy with the social deal they get, yes; and that is why they are so angry with their governments. Because they want more, much more! They couldn't care less that their benefits, salaries and other privileges, have been, for decades and centuries 'subsidized' by the plunder of other parts of the planet; that they are paid for by blood.
Andre Vltchek