There is only one real 'risk' and danger regarding the nuclear escalation in North Korean: that the world is quickly accepting as inevitable the fact that the Western thuggish regimes can get away with anything. I see no other serious problem that the world today is facing. What is Kim Jong-un's strategy? To defend his people by all means, against the brutal force that has already murdered millions of people of Korea. It is all very simple, but only if one is willing to turn off the BBC and to use his or her own brain, it becomes 'obvious'.
Andre VltchekThe truth has to be unveiled. If the West insists, if it keeps pushing, the battles have to be fought. And they will be fought.
Andre VltchekActually, voting in countries like Indonesia is unpatriotic, as it only legitimizes the regime, which serves foreign political and economic interests, as well as those totally prostituted 'elites'.
Andre VltchekAnd of course, Indonesian people are above all scared of being 'different'. Being different here is punished brutally. Different people get mocked, ostracized, raped, tortured, and murdered. They are banned. To be a Communist is banned. To be gay is banned. To be an atheist is banned. To be a Taoist is banned. Being one of a thousand things is banned.
Andre VltchekSomehow [Barak] Obama's is much more disgusting than others, because he is smart and we all "know that he knows". He is thoroughly dishonest and it is clear.
Andre VltchekBernie Sanders is like those liberal members of the German National Socialist Party during the WWII, or of the Italian Fascist movement during Mussolini. They'd do much for their own workers and peasants, socially... as long as funds were flowing in from the countries plundered by their imperialism.
Andre VltchekOf course such a failed state as Indonesia is fully supported by Western academia and the mass media, because it does what it is told to do: it became a huge, brainwashed country, which is now plundering and exporting its riches, while not even having a clue that many parts of the world are now fighting for true independence from Western tyranny, and for socialism.
Andre Vltchek