The great news is we have an all-female shortlist with no positive discrimination or anything, isn't that fantastic?
Andrea LeadsomIf you are asking me, am I going to be sort of saying 'oh well 'God's told me to do this and do that' well of course that's not the case.
Andrea LeadsomDuring my campaign, I had come across a small number of (mostly) young men, who had strongly racist views. They told me they would only vote for a party that was willing to get rid of black and coloured people from this country. What struck me as strange is that they weren't bothered about the thousands of white Europeans arriving from Central and Eastern Europe.
Andrea LeadsomI think it is very difficult for somebody who campaigned to stay in, who thinks there will be disaster if we leave and so on to suddenly turn it around and start believing that we can make a go of it.
Andrea LeadsomThere's a truly unbelievable story in the paper today, that a young brother and sister... have been turned down for adoption by their own grandparents... If that weren't enough, the siblings are now to be adopted by two complete strangers against the wishes of the grandparents... And as if that weren't enough, the two strangers are a gay couple, who have been selected ahead of several heterosexual couples.
Andrea Leadsom