White House is ranting up its rhetoric for Republicans, using wild words to attack them over the budget standoff.
Andrea TantarosConservatives need to figure out a way to motivate by reason and persuade through emotion. Meaning that when they talk about our issues, it can't come from a selfish place - "Give me a tax cut. Where's my tax cut." We have to get back to that "shining city on the hill."
Andrea TantarosGeorge Washington said, "All I am, I owe to my mother." That's so true. My mom pushed me to get in politics. She pushed me to learn a bunch of languages. She pushed me and inspired me. She is the reason why I'm in politics.
Andrea TantarosPlay small ball. Get back to basics. I would say that you need to be a conservative, but you need to maintain your independent streak.
Andrea Tantaros