The Internet of Money, bitcoin, is releasing 50 yrs. of pent up innovation in finance, because it offers innovation without permission.
Andreas AntonopoulosBitcoin is a currency, bitcoin is a network, bitcoin is a technology and you can't separate these things. A consensus network that bases its value on the currency does not work without the currency.
Andreas AntonopoulosEssentially, not only do we believe in this myth of 'de-risking', but it has become the one overriding goal; de-risking above growth, de-risking above innovation, de-risking above everything else. And we've reached the point where the Fed is using $70 Billion a month to 'de-risk' a largely insolvent banking system. And this can only end badly. The idea that you can do capitalism without risk is ridiculous on its face.
Andreas Antonopoulos