A photographer who does not know how to translate his feelings and ideas into a graphically satisfactory form is bound to produce ineffective photographs, no matter how idealistic, compassionate, sensitive or imaginative he may be. For in order to be considered good, a photograph must not only say something worthwhile, it must say it well.
Andreas FeiningerBefore you shoot an irresistible subject, mute all your senses except sight to find out how much is left for the camera to record.
Andreas FeiningerExperience has shown that the more fascinating the subject, the less observant the photographer.
Andreas FeiningerNo one can do inspired work without genuine interest in his subject and understanding of its characteristics.
Andreas FeiningerWith a short lens I can reveal the hidden things near at hand, with a long lens the hidden things far away. The telephoto lens provides a new visual sensation for people: it widens their horizons. And, conversely, the things under our nose invariably look good when blown up really big.
Andreas Feininger