Still, most people don't have much money. So finding ways to come out a couple of thousand dollars ahead every year still matters.
Andrew TobiasRule of thumb: The more trimmings an insurance plan has and the harder someone is pitching it, the faster you should run.
Andrew TobiasThere were no jobs created in America from 1945, when the war ended, through 2003. How could there be? Taxes were too high. Preposterously so under Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Reagan (who left office with a 28 percent rate on long-term capital gains) and Bush the Elder.
Andrew TobiasSummers are the best. And I figured summer was my best time for meeting someone, too, because in the summer people are looking for someone to snuggle up with for the winter. And because in the summer I could take off my shirt.
Andrew TobiasIn short: Readily available low-cost life insurance would be a threat to the industry, and whatever threatens the life insurance industry threatens America.
Andrew TobiasThe best thing I have are 5 percent bonds from 1780, denominated from $1 to $20. As far as I can tell, they are obligations from the United States of America, so I should be able to walk down to the Federal Reserve and redeem the uncanceled ones. With 217 years of accrued interest, for a $20 bond, that's about $800,000.
Andrew Tobias