I remember when I first moved to New York, people said, "Wow, man! You're so great. You have all these hopes and dreams, but it's going to be sad when you realize how the world really works!" But one of the things I love most about this city is that everyone who moves here is being unreasonable. There's a sense of solidarity about that.
Andrew W.K.You always have to take responsibility for the choices you made. Once you can come to that truth, it's a very satisfying and relieving feeling. You don't have to fight anymore, you just get to do.
Andrew W.K.The music is just very specifically [designed] to get you energized. That's the great thing about those situations: I have no choice. It completely takes over your body and pushes you, like it was designed to do. I'm constantly surrounded by music, energy, and experiences that put me in that state of cheer.
Andrew W.K.