I started using drugs when I was thirteen. By twenty-one, I was shooting up coke and heroin. In my early twenties, I unconsciously used asana to make the "getter" inside me stronger. Sure, I got a hit of the yoga high - serenity at the end of class - but how sustainable is that if you're holding grudges against yourself or others?
Angel GrantThere are many factors that impact the value of login credentials sold on the dark web. The main factor is how easy it is for a hacker to resell the merchandise, especially from a brand name, i.e., it's easier to sell an Apple iPhone over a pair of boots. Another factor that contributes to cost on the dark web is if there is a credit card saved on the account file and whether the stolen credentials have been verified. This means that a hacker was able to verify a successful login and the owner/consumer hasn't changed their password so we can expect even more fraud transactions to come.
Angel GrantAddiction struggle is believing you are separate from love. It took me a long time to glimpse that.
Angel GrantWe take drugs because we want to feel a sense of connection, and we seek God for the same reason. The search, no matter where it's directed - divine union or cocaine - begins with pain that comes from believing you're separate from love. The key is using spiritual practice to turn inward, toward awareness, which is what we actually are.
Angel Grant