The campaign in the media takes place in many different formats, such as in citizens forums or town - hall shows. And because we don't have a presidential system in Germany, people vote for parties instead of specific candidates. From the perspective of smaller parties, even one single televised debate is a detested anomaly, because only the lead candidates from the conservatives and the SPD take part.
Angela MerkelFor my part, in everything I do, I aim to strengthen democracy in Germany and beyond. The United States is also a strong democracy. As we are seeing in Poland, for example, and also in Hungary, it is important that we have counterweights in democratic systems, and I believe they are still strong in America.
Angela MerkelIf you want to be constructive in politics, the less you look back, the better. If you do look back, then it can only be to learn for yourself through the events that have taken place.
Angela MerkelLook forward to the future and look forward to the unknown. Nothing stays the same and people change. One day that hurt and pain will be a distant memory.
Angela MerkelWe have freedom to demonstrate in Germany, but there is no place for incitement and insulting people who come to us from other countries.
Angela Merkel