That which tears open our souls, those holes that splatter our sight, may actually become the thin, open places to see through the mess of this place to the heart-aching beauty beyond. To Him. To the God whom we endlessly crave.
Ann VoskampThe moment when you are most repelled by a child's behavior, that is your warning light to draw the very closest to that child.
Ann VoskampLife-changing gratitude does not fasten to a life unless nailed through with one very specific nail at a time.
Ann VoskampUnbeknownst to me, two readers of the posts, both published authors, contacted their agent, Bill Jensen, within 24 hours of each other, encouraging him to drop me a line. Which he did. He shared his extensive publishing background with me, and prayerfully offered to work out a proposal and to see if God opened any publishing doors? I never get over the unexpected ways of God.
Ann Voskamp