All my own experience of life teaches me the contempt of cunning, not the fear. The phrase "profound cunning," has always seemed to me a contradiction in terms. I never knew a cunning mind which was not either shallow, or on some point diseased.
Anna Brownell JamesonNever yet were the feelings and instincts of our nature violated with impunity; never yet was the voice of conscience silenced without retribution.
Anna Brownell Jameson... the primitve Christians, by laying so much stress upon a future life in contradiction to this life, and placing the lower creatures out of the pale of sympathy, and thus had the foundation for this utter disregard of animals in the light of our fellow creatures.
Anna Brownell JamesonEven virtue itself, all perfect as it is, requires to be inspirited by passion; for duties are but coldly performed which are but philosophically fulfilled.
Anna Brownell Jameson