Well, if you weren't flirting with him"-his voice had now grown a little plaintive-"who was he, and what did you want with him anyway?" "If you are so determined to bore me, I may just have to go home." Astrid sighed carelessly, "What a shame, when I am wearing such a pretty dress.
Anna GodbersenIt seemed to her as though everything that was good and true had been blasted out of the world. All those things had been crushed destroyed made to disappear.
Anna GodbersenGood night.' Diana summoned all the dignity that she could manage in her bedraggled state and began to move back up the beach. Her dress was soaked and her stockings dotted with sand and her heart couldn't possibly withstand any more.
Anna GodbersenAlready she could feel the stunning weight of a lifetime of regret for letting him go, and she knew that it was enought to bury her alive.
Anna Godbersen