It had been an awful thing to lose Henry the first time, to matrimony, but to discover what a false front he was capable of was another kind of blow, and it had left her almost speechless. Then there was the fury with herselfโfor she had known what Henryโs love was, and still she had gone back to suffer a little more at his hands.
Anna GodbersenBut in that moment she realized how false most smiles were and what a tremendous waste of time.
Anna GodbersenAh well that I can't tell you." Diana ducked her head so that the brim of her bonnet covered her face. "Some things must remain a mystery and for now I think I'll keep my opinion of you and your compliments to myself.
Anna GodbersenAlready she could feel the stunning weight of a lifetime of regret for letting him go, and she knew that it was enought to bury her alive.
Anna GodbersenSo this was betrayal. It was like being left alone in the desert at dusk without water or warmth. It left your mouth dry and will broken. It sapped your tears and made you hollow.
Anna Godbersen