For as long as I could remember, he had never worn a single piece of clothing that could be considered casual. Khaki shorts and golf shirts, to Umberto, were the garments of men who have no virtues left, not even shame.
Anne FortierThe Hawley Book of the Dead had me completely spellbound from beginning to end. A storytelling virtuosa, Chrysler Szarlan has woven a wondrous, scintillating web of suspense, love, history, and magic that will keep you eagerly turning the pages late into the night. Even readers not normally drawn to the supernatural will be swept away by this book; it has everything a great adventure should have-and so much more.
Anne FortierJanice used to say that instinct was reason in a hurry; I was not so sure about the reason part.
Anne FortierBy the time we left college, I had become my own image: a dandelion in the flower bed of society. Kinda cute, but still a weed.
Anne Fortier